SOLD An eccentric and original artist who launched the so-called School of Taormina. Artist: Antonio Carnabuci (1931-2016) Year: 1990 Dimensions: L 23.62 x H 31.50 inches /L 60 x H 80 cm Medium: oil on canvas
Liliana Totaro, born in Messina, PhD. She has always been fond of the fine arts, particularly drawing and painting. So, in 2000 she moved to Florence to study at the Florence Academy of Art, where she graduated with a degree in painting in 2003. Then, she stayed one more year at the FAA. She also attended etching courses at the…
Liliana Totaro, born in Messina, PhD. She has always been fond of the fine arts, particularly drawing and painting. So, in 2000 she moved to Florence to study at the Florence Academy of Art, where she graduated with a degree in painting in 2003. Then, she stayed one more year at the FAA. She also attended etching courses at the…
Delizioso dipinto ad olio dell’artista Andrea Patrisi raffigurante uno scorcio molto bello e suggestivo di Atrani nella Costiera Amalfitana. Ottima qualità e di notevole forza pittorica. A tergo reca la controfirma del maestro ed il titolo dell’opera Autore: Andrea Patrisi (1954) Anno: 2001 Misure: L 76,5 x H 67,5 cm con cornice Tecnica: Olio su tavola telata
Liliana Totaro, born in Messina, PhD. She has always been fond of the fine arts, particularly drawing and painting. So, in 2000 she moved to Florence to study at the Florence Academy of Art, where she graduated with a degree in painting in 2003. Then, she stayed one more year at the FAA. She also attended etching courses at the…
Liliana Totaro, born in Messina, PhD. She has always been fond of the fine arts, particularly drawing and painting. So, in 2000 she moved to Florence to study at the Florence Academy of Art, where she graduated with a degree in painting in 2003. Then, she stayed one more year at the FAA. She also attended etching courses at the…
Talento e pennellate delicate ritraggono il famoso ex Convento San Domenico, trasformato successivamente in Hotel. Autore: Amleto Colucci Anno: 2023 Misure: L 60 x H 30 cm (senza cornice) Tecnica: Olio su Tela
Tonalità e luce mediterranee, caratterizzano i dipinti del maestro Mario Irace. Veduta notturna dell' Isolabella al chiaro di luna piena. Autore: Mario Irace Anno: 2020 Misure: L 40 x H 30 cm Tecnica: Olio su Tela
Tonalità e luce mediterranee, caratterizzano i dipinti del maestro Mario Irace. Veduta della caratteristica baia di Mazzarò a Taormina dall' Hotel Sant'Andrea. Autore: Mario Irace Anno: 2024 Misure: L 40 x H 30 cm Tecnica: Olio su Tela
Mediterranean tones and light characterize the style of master painter Mario Irace. Artist: Mario Irace Year: 2024 Dimensions: L 9.84 x H 13.78 inches / L 25 x H 35 cm Medium: oil on canvas
Tonalità e luce mediterranee, caratterizzano i dipinti del maestro Mario Irace. La marina di Scopello dalle caratteristiche acque cristalline abilmente ritratte in tutte le loro sfumature dal verde al blu. Autore: Mario Irace Anno: 2024 Misure: L 40 x H 30 cm Tecnica: Olio su Tela
Mediterranean tones and light characterize the style of master painter Mario Irace. Distinctive "Salita Melivia" in Taormina. Artist: Mario Irace Year: 2019 Dimensions: L 11.81 x H 7.87 inches / L 20 x H 30 cm Medium: oil on canvas
Mediterranean tones and light characterize the style of master painter Mario Irace. Distinctive Via Naumachie in Taormina. Artist: Mario Irace Year: 2023 Dimensions: L 11.81 x H 7.87 inches / L 20 x H 30 cm Medium: oil on canvas
Stunning view from the Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni on Lake Como by the master painter Antonio Sannino dating back to his earlier days. Author: Antonio Sannino Year: 2005 Dimensions: L 51.18 x H 39.37 inches / L 130 cm x H 100 cm Medium: Oil on canvas