Reproductions of citrus fruits from Giovanni Battista Ferrari’s Atlas of Botanics Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 18 x H 27 cm (L 7,09 x H 10,63 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on manuscript *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by 1-2cm.
Reproductions of citrus fruits from Giovanni Battista Ferrari’s Atlas of Botanics Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 38 x H 56 cm / L 14.96 x H 22.05 in Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on cotton paper
Le 12 tradizionali costellazioni che danno origine ad i corrispettivi segni zodiacali. Un studio che ha avuto origine nella civiltà babilonese ma che continua ad affascinarci ed a farci sognare, sia osservandole con l'occhio della ragione sia con quello del cuore. Autore: Artigiano Anno: Nuova Misure: L 18 x H 27 cm Tecnica: Stampata a mano su un antico manoscritto…
Marine animals, various. Authentic artisinal reproductions of marine animals on manuscript Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 18 x H 27 cm (L 7.09 x H 10.63 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on manuscript *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by 1-2cm.
Reproductions of sea shells, shown front and back, various Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 21 x H 28 cm / L 24 x H 38 cm (L 8,27 x H 11,02 / L 9,45 x H 14,96 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on mauscript *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by…
Crustacean. Authentic artisinal reproductions of marine animals on manuscript Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 44 x H 33 cm (L 17,32 x H 12,99 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on manuscript *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by 1-2cm.
Hippocampus. Authentic artisinal reproductions of marine animals on manuscript Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 44 x H 33 cm (L 17,32 x H 12,99 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on manuscript *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by 1-2cm.
Predators of the sea. Authentic artisinal reproductions of marine animals on manuscript Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 44 x H 33 cm (L 17,32 x H 12,99 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on manuscript *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by 1-2cm.
Whales and dolphins. Authentic artisinal reproductions of marine animals on manuscript. Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 44 x H 33 cm (L 17,32 x H 12,99 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on manuscript
Octopus, Squid and Cuttlefish on manuscript. Accurate handcrafted reproductions of sea animals on manuscript paper. Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 18 x H 27 cm (L 7.09 x H 10.63 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on manuscript *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by 1-2cm.
Reproductions of sea shells, shown front and back, various Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 38 x H 56 cm (L 14.96 x H 22.05 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on cotton paper *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by 1-2cm.
Elegant and colorful coral. Authentic artisinal Italian reproductions on manuscript Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 18 x H 27 cm (L 7,09 x H 10,63 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on manuscript *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by 1-2cm.
Sea turtles and tortoises. Authentic artisinal Italian reproductions of marine animals on manuscript Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 44 x H 33 cm / L 17,32 x H 14,96 in * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on manuscript *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by 1-2cm.
Coral collection, available in blue and red. Singles also available Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 38 x H 28 cm / L 14.96 x H 11.02 in Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on cotton paper
Coral pairs in horizontal orientation, available in blue and red. Singles also available Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 38 x H 56 cm / L 14.96 x H 22.05 in Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on cotton paper
Coral pairs in vertical orientation, available in blue and red. Singles also available Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 38 x H 56 cm / L 14.96 x H 22.05 in Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on cotton paper
Coral collection, available in blue and red. Singles also available Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 38 x H 28 cm / L 14.96 x H 11.02 in Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on cotton paper
Le bottiglie di vino italiano che hanno fatto la storia e che continuano a farla nel mondo. Bianco, rosso o bollicine, importante che sia un buon vino. Una bella collezione di stampe di vini italiani perfette per arredare il vostro angolo cantina o da regalare a gli amanti del vino. Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 29,5 x H 42 cm…
Reproductions of colourful fish, various Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 38 x H 56 cm / L 14.96 x H 22.05 in Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on cotton paper
Authentic artisinal Italian reproductions, print and watercolour by hand on manuscript Author: Handmade by Craftsman Year: New Size: L 18 x H 27 cm Technique: Hand printed on old manuscript paper and hand watercolored by skilled artists
Piante su carta manoscritta. Fedeli riproduzioni artigianali di piante stampate a meno ed acquerellate da abili artisti italiani. Autore: Artigiano Anno: Nuova Misure: L 18 x H 27 cm Tecnica: Stampata a mano su un antico manoscritto ed acquerellata a mano da abili artisti
Authentic artisinal Italian reproductions of fruit on cotton paper. Various Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 38 x H 56 cm / L 14.96 x H 22.05 in Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on cotton paper
Authentic artisinal Italian reproductions of fruit on manuscript. Various Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 18 x H 27 cm (L 7,09 x H 10,63 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on manuscript *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by 1-2cm.
Artisinal reproductions, print and watercolour by hand on manuscript. Fun and whimsical, ideal for children’s rooms or for the adventurous spirit Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 18 x H 27 cm (L 7.87 x H 10.63 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on manuscript *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by 1-2cm.
Riproduzioni artigianali stampate ed acquerellate a mano su antichi manoscritti. Un tempo strumenti didattici oggi ideali per arredare le camere dei vostri figli o per dare un tocco di eleganza alla vostra casa. Autore: Artigiano Anno: Nuova Misure: L 18 x H 27 cm Tecnica: Stampata a mano su un antico manoscritto ed acquerellata a mano da abili artisti
Authentic artisinal reproductions of antique wind roses Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 38 x H 56 cm (L 14.96 x H 22.05 in) Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on cotton paper
WIND ROSE – TABULA INDICANS NOMINA 32 VENTORUM Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 18 x H 27 cm (L 7.09 x H 10.63 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on manuscript *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by 1-2cm.
Artisinal reprductions of antique charts used for education and navigation of the sea. “Map used for navigation of the sea” Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 76 x H 56 cm / L 29.92 x H 22.05 in Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on cotton paper
Trinacria, the symbol of Sicily, on cotton paper. Various colours Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 38 x H 28 cm / L 14.96 x H 11.02 in Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on cotton paper
Authentic hand-printed and hand-painted with watercolours by Italian artisans Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 18 x H 27 cm (L 7.87 x H 10.63 in) * Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on manuscript *Dimensions are approximate as each manuscript is unique and measurements may vary by 1-2cm.
Artisinal reproduction of elegant and decorative Piranesi vases. Available in blue and red. Singles also available Author: Artisan Year: New Size: L 76 x H 56 cm (L 29.92 x H 22.05 in) Technique: Print and watercolour by hand on cotton paper